Vacuum Cleaners

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Showing 1 to 18 of 18
Shark RV2820VEUK Shark RV2820VEUK
Best price £310.48 from 15 stores.
Save £192.50 (39%) on RRP (£499.99).
15 out of 15 stores in stock.
Price range £310.48 - £499.
1 voucher code available.
Shark IP3251UKT Shark IP3251UKT
Best price £399 from 12 stores.
Save £150.99 (27%) on RRP (£549.99).
12 out of 12 stores in stock.
Price range £399 - £555.98.
1 voucher code available.
Shark RV2620WAUK Shark RV2620WAUK
Best price £349.99 from 12 stores.
Save £50 (13%) on RRP (£399.99).
12 out of 12 stores in stock.
Price range £349.99 - £505.98.
1 voucher code available.
Bosch BBS1041GGB Bosch BBS1041GGB
Best price £374 from 15 stores.
Save £195.99 (34%) on RRP (£569.99).
12 out of 15 stores in stock.
Price range £374 - £569.
2 voucher codes available.
Shark ICZ300UKT Shark ICZ300UKT
Best price £340.05 from 19 stores.
Save £89.94 (21%) on RRP (£429.99).
11 out of 19 stores in stock.
Price range £340.05 - £549.99.
Miele Duoflex HX1 Cat & Dog Miele Duoflex HX1 Cat & Dog
Best price £339 from 8 stores.
8 out of 8 stores in stock.
Price range £339 - £454.99.
1 voucher code available.
Shark AZ3900UKT Shark AZ3900UKT
Best price £345.26 from 7 stores.
Save £54.73 (14%) on RRP (£399.99).
7 out of 7 stores in stock.
Price range £345.26 - £405.98.
Shark IZ300UK Shark IZ300UK
Best price £326 from 20 stores.
5 out of 20 stores in stock.
Price range £326 - £379.99.
Rating 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5/5)
Samsung VS20B95973B Samsung VS20B95973B
Best price £399 from 12 stores.
Save £235.99 (37%) on RRP (£634.99).
5 out of 12 stores in stock.
Price range £399 - £804.99.
2 voucher codes available.
Samsung VS20C9544TB Samsung VS20C9544TB
Best price £349 from 10 stores.
4 out of 10 stores in stock.
Price range £349 - £633.
Sebo Felix Pet ePower 90810GB Sebo Felix Pet ePower 90810GB
Best price £379 from 7 stores.
3 out of 7 stores in stock.
Price range £379 - £444.99.
Dyson Outsize Absolute Dyson Outsize Absolute
Best price £374.99 from 18 stores.
Save £325 (46%) on RRP (£699.99).
3 out of 18 stores in stock.
Price range £374.99 - £659.99.
1 voucher code available.
Sebo Felix Navy ePower 90815GB Sebo Felix Navy ePower 90815GB
Best price £309.99 from 9 stores.
3 out of 9 stores in stock.
Price range £309.99 - £396.40.
Sebo Felix Rosso ePower 90813GB Sebo Felix Rosso ePower 90813GB
Best price £338.95 from 7 stores.
3 out of 7 stores in stock.
Price range £338.95 - £354.39.
Sebo Airbelt D2 Komfort ePower 90914GB Sebo Airbelt D2 Komfort ePower 90914GB
Best price £315.99 from 6 stores.
3 out of 6 stores in stock.
Price range £315.99 - £359.
Shark IZ252UK Shark IZ252UK
Best price £389 from 12 stores.
Save £60.99 (14%) on RRP (£449.99).
3 out of 12 stores in stock.
Price range £389 - £564.99.
Sebo Airbelt E3 Premium ePower 92655GB Sebo Airbelt E3 Premium ePower 92655GB
Best price £359 from 4 stores.
3 out of 4 stores in stock.
Price range £ - £419.
Gtech System Platinum Gtech System Platinum
Best price £373.99 from 4 stores.
Save £225.99 (38%) on RRP (£599.98).
3 out of 4 stores in stock.
Price range £373.99 - £599.98.