
Using Price4

Voucher Codes

Using Price4

Where can I learn more about Price4?

Please see the about us section of Price4, which includes information on the nature of our business.

How often do you update your prices?

The prices for each product we list are updated at least every 24 hours. Some products, depending on their popularity, are updated more frequently - this can be as often as every 30 minutes. On each product page, we always display the date and time that the prices for that product were last updated.

I've noticed an error in one of your listings, how can I let you know?

Click the "Found an error? Let us know" link on the product page in question. If you like (it's entirely optional) you can then provide your email address and an error description. Then just click the "Submit Error Report" button and we'll investigate straight away.

Where do you get your product information from?

Each store we feature typically provide us a means to access their product catalogue. We then aggregate, match and categorise all this product information before providing a price comparison service for each product.

How can you help me find a bargain?

Everyone loves a bargain, don't they? To help you find some good savings, where available we store the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) alongside each product. In each department, if product RRP information is available, you can sort the product listing by percentage RRP saving. To get you started, head over to our toys and games department and select RRP % Saving in the drop down (next to Sort By: in the Filter and Sort section) to see which toys and games currently are offering the biggest saving - it's a great way to bag a bargain!

How do I find products with the best reviews?

Just head on over to one of our departments, such as vacuum cleaners. If any reviews are available, in the drop down next to Sort By: there will be an Average Review option. Select that, and the products within that department will be sorted by the average review. If two products share the same rating - for example, 5 stars - the product which has the greatest number of reviews will appear first.

How can I contact you with feedback or a complaint?

Please use our contact us page to get in touch. We will reply as soon as possible.

Voucher Codes

What are voucher codes?

Voucher codes entitle a customer to a discount on the price of a product. This can take the form of a percentage (such as 5% off) or an amount (such as £10 off) discount. They have a start date from which they're valid and an expiry date. After the expiry date arrives, we automatically remove them from our site.

Where can I find voucher codes?

We have integrated available voucher codes with our product listings. The "Total" price column on each product page incorporates the saving from any available voucher code, and you can click the "Voucher Code Details" link for more information, such as expiry date.

Is the expiry on a voucher code ever extended?

Stores will occasionally extend the expiry date on voucher codes - we update the expiry date listed as soon as we become aware of it. On other occasions they may issue a new code but with the same or a similar saving, so don't become disheartened if you can't afford your purchase right away - it may well be that you can get a similar discount in the future.

You have a voucher code listed, but it doesn't seem to be working?

If you have a problem using any of the voucher codes we have listed, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll investigate and get back to you straight away, and if necessary amend or remove the voucher code from our listings.

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