About Us

What is Price4.co.uk?

Price4.co.uk is a price comparison website. We feature products in a number of departments, and for each product compare prices from a variety of stores. Our aim is to simplify your online shopping experience.

For help in using our website, please visit our help page.

Do you sell any products directly?

No, we don't sell anything directly. Instead, for every product featured we provide a price comparison service which links to stores which do sell the product in question. Any order you place will be with the store we have linked to rather than directly with ourselves.

Does Price4.co.uk make money and, if so, how?

Price4.co.uk will typically receive a commission when a visitor clicks on one of the product links and goes on to make a purchase. This commission is usually a percentage of the value of your shopping basket's contents at the time of completing your order.

In what order do you display product price results?

We always display prices in order of the cheapest first, after delivery charges and any available voucher codes have been applied.

How do you interact with my computer? Do you use cookies?

In order to personalise your experience, we use cookies. For example, we use a cookie to allow us to display a "Recently Viewed" summary of the product pages you have most recently visited on our website. You can read more about how we use cookies in our about cookies section and also our privacy policy.

How do you use my personal information?

When you give us your personal information, for example if you provide your email address when contacting us, we will only ever use it in the context you provided it to us. For example, in the case of you contacting us we would only use your email address to reply to your enquiry. We will never disclose it to any third party. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

How can I contact you in the event I have feedback or a complaint?

Please use the contact us form to contact us. We always reply as soon as possible.

Amazon EU Associates Programme

Price4.co.uk is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk.

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